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Sales Training Downloads

Free downloads jam packed with strategies, insights, tips and hacks to help you supercharge your sales performance

Sales Training Downloads

Looking for some expert advice and sales guidance that you can keep with you?

Check out our whole range of sales training downloads, whitepapers and infographics below. If you have any questions or have a topic you’d like us to cover, just get in touch and let us know!

We continually add new sales training downloads. Follow us on LinkedIn where we post all links to our new downloads and blogs or sign up to our newsletter below.

Featured Resource

Driving predictable revenue growth: Clone your high performers keynote at the Chief Revenue Officers Summit in Amsterdam

Raoul Monks, CEO & Founder of Flume, speaks at this years Amsterdam summit for the Revenue Operations Alliance.


Sales Excellence Benchmark

Sales Excellence Benchmark

Salespeople love attention grabbing figures. So here’s one. This year, less than 50% of B2B
salespeople are likely to hit their targets.

There’s no hiding from it. Sales has got a lot harder, but there are salespeople out there who aren’t just surviving in this tough market, they are positively thriving in it. What sets this group of salespeople apart?

In this white paper discover what today’s top sales professionals are doing at each stage of the sales process to ensure their success where others fail.

Sales Excellence Benchmark: Media & Events

Sales Excellence Benchmark: Media & Events

With just 29% of sales people hitting target in Q4 of 2022, and only 40% predicted to hit target in 2023, there is no doubt that sales is tougher than ever*.

Every sales KPI is going in the wrong direction.

In this whitepaper, focused on the Media & Events industry, we look at why most salespeople are finding it so tough right now, what a typical media and events buying journey looks like and you can find out how you compare to the highest performers in the world.

Selling in a tough climate - Download

Selling in a tough climate

Let’s face it, there are some challenging times ahead. Sales is going to be tough, even for the best of us. To survive, you need to give your buyers something your competitors don’t.

On a good day, 53% of why a client will choose you is the sales experience you offer. In times of uncertainty, this becomes even more important.

We have put together a quick 2-pager to show you how you can overcome your customers’ indecision and inertia.

Sales Velocity: The crucial equation powering today's best sales teams - sales velocity guide front cover

Sales Velocity: The crucial equation powering today’s best sales teams

The Sales Velocity equation is enabling today’s most successful sales leaders to generate more money, more quickly.

In this How-to Guide, we explore what sales velocity is, what it will help you achieve, and how to drive it.

Creating a first-class sales experience for a changed world whitepaper cover

Creating a first-class sales experience for a changed world

The world of sales has changed dramatically. From the shift to remote selling to changing attitudes of decision makers, a one-size-fits-all approach no longer works in today’s market.

These changes have reshaped what buyers expect from the sales experience. In this whitepaper, we look closely at three core roles: sales development, business development and customer success.

You’ll learn about the common myths and mistakes of each role and how they can have a knock-on effect on your entire sales strategy.

The future of sales development

The future of sales development

Sales training MUST deliver ROI — Demand more.

It’s never been more important for your sales team to up their game. Clients are feeling the strain. With only 22% expected to meet their revenue goals, they are demanding more from the sales experience.

Having the right approach to the development of sales teams is critical. Flume’s new whitepaper looks at how you can drive learner performance and identifies what you should expect from sales training.

The Benchmark for Sales Excellence in a Changed World whitepaper

The Benchmark for Leading Sales Teams in a Changed World

Being a sales leader is tough. Changing client behaviour and a brutal economic climate mean that sales leaders need to adapt how their teams sell. With almost 90% of sales now remote (McKinsey), sales leaders are finding that what worked in the office isn’t always translating perfectly to remote working.

In our new leadership benchmark, we list the main leadership behaviours of the world’s top performing sales heads and managers. We outline what they looked like in the past, explain why they needed to change and describe what ‘great’ looks like today.

Sales Excellence Infographic: Old world- New world

Sales Excellence Infographic: Old world – New world

It is easy to believe that sales is simply sales and that what worked in the past will always work.

However, the world has changed dramatically for today’s buyer. Today’s salespeople need to change too.

This one-page infographic shows what top sales professionals are doing in a changed world.

Selling in a crisis whitepaper cover - Download

Selling in a crisis

One way or another, everyone is still recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. Businesses and individuals were hit incredibly hard. The impact on most sales teams was exceptional. During the pandemic many salespeople were paralysed at home with nothing to sell, full of anxiety and worry, asking themselves, ‘What on earth are we going to do?’

The best way to overcome anxiety is with a plan, so in 2020 Flume created a sales pathway and set of rules for salespeople to follow during a crisis, click below to find out more.

Leading remote sales teams whitepaper cover - free to download

Leading remote sales teams

The Coronavirus pandemic had dramatic implications for sales leadership. Not only did sales leaders have to adapt to sales teams who were working from home, they also had to lead teams who were selling to industries in flux and often in crisis.

This whitepaper was built for sales leaders during the pandemic but the pandemic changed things permanently, many sales teams are still working from home, or have moved to a hybrid model, which means the lessons we learned about managing teams remotely during Coronavirus are still very relevant today.

Pivoting from events to digital whitepaper front cover- Download for free from Flume Sales Training

Pivoting from events to digital

With events being pushed back or cancelled altogether during the pandemic, events businesses needed to find alternative sources of revenue. For many, digital solutions were an obvious opportunity. Unfortunately, many events salespeople had little or no experience of selling digital – they needed help quickly if they were to successfully adapt.

We created this whitepaper during the pandemic but it’s still a relevant resource today for events salespeople looking to brush up on how to sell digital events over their live cousins.

Sales Brochures

Sales Kickoffs (SKOs) are a brilliant way to bring together, engage and motivate commercial teams.

Sales Kick Offs

Flume uses a combination of powerful messaging, engaging presentations and toolkits to deliver SKOs that inspire and educate.
We focus on celebrating success and strengthening collaboration across teams. We also identify how best to embed new learnings and behaviour once the event is over to drive long-term outcomes.

Flume are experts at designing and delivering impactful SKOs

Sales Training Programmes

Sales Training Programmes

Sales Team Training Courses built for Business Development Teams (BDRs / AEs) and Sales Teams, responsible for growing business through inbound and outbound activity.

To find out more about all the programmes we can offer, download our sales training programmes brochure.

Sales & Leadership Training Courses from Flume

Sales & Leadership Training Courses from Flume

Our Training is 100% focused on driving measurable ROI. Our content is underpinned by current research, our delivery is high impact, and we focus on measurable results.

To find out more about all the courses we can offer, download our handy one-page guide.

Guidance papers

We think differently - Download

We think differently

As behaviour change experts, we think differently. We have all been sales leaders and we understand the frustrations of traditional sales training. We know that learning must be designed to drive new behaviours and instil successful habits that will last a lifetime.

So we built Flume for sales leaders. It’s built to empower every sales rep to fulfil their potential and consistently smash their targets.

So what should you be looking for when searching for a sales training company?

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