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Sales Teams : Sales Star

In the first of our Sales Team courses, we share what great looks like and what top sales professionals do differently. Your team will develop a set of skills and tools to drive more sales, higher order values, increased win rates and shorter sales cycles

Module 1: Sales Excellence: Sales Star Benchmark


The biggest mistake a salesperson can make is to look at everything from just their own perspective.
By stepping into the shoes of the client, we can adapt our approach to make it easy for clients to buy. In this launch to the Sales Star course, we help teams create a set of easy-to-implement approaches to drive more sales by analysing what top sales professionals do differently.

Content & Outcomes

Your team will learn how to:

  • Shift perspective to understand the significant changes in the way their clients buy
  • Align with what top sales professionals are doing differently
  • Measure themselves against what great looks like in sales today

More opportunities. Higher average order value.
Increased win rate. Shorter sales cycle.

Module 2: Introductions: Connecting with buyers


It’s tougher than ever before for clients to say ‘yes’ to a new meeting. They’re being bombarded by sales reps who are all saying they have the biggest, best, most innovative solutions. For them, everything sounds the same, and everything could be a waste of precious time. Standout introductions are a crucial part of the sales process. The strongest reps are selling the value of the connection itself with messages that cut through the noise.

Content & Outcomes

Your team will learn how to:

  • Add personal value to customer outreach
  • Structure personalised messaging
  • Create multi touch, multi-media and multi threaded email sequences

More opportunities.

Module 3: Questioning: Leading a stand-out discovery


Clients care about themselves, the challenges they face and the outcomes they need to achieve. For them, these things will always be more important than what you’re selling. Today’s best salespeople lead powerful discussions focused on the client’s role, business needs and challenges. Then they ensure that any opportunity is properly qualified before confirming the next step.

Content & Outcomes

Your team will learn how to:

  • Take control of the conversation
  • Structure and deliver logical questioning that drives change
  • Qualify opportunities in and out

More opportunities. Higher average order value.
Increased win rate. Shorter sales cycle.

Module 4: Positioning your solution: Recommending with confidence


86% of B2B clients don’t see a big enough difference between solutions to pay more for one. For them, solutions all sound the same and that makes it hard for them to choose. A great pitch needs to be 100% focused on the prospect and make it easy for them to choose your brand and solution.

Content & Outcomes

Your team will learn how to:

  • Articulate your brand’s purpose
  • Deliver high impact, buyer-centric pitches
  •  Create and deliver client stories in their pitch

 Increased win rate. Higher average order value.

Module 5: Speeding up decisions: Accelerating the buying process


The decision-making group is growing and becoming more senior. This is making buying something new very risky for even the bravest client. Selling internally has become harder for clients so it’s vital that salespeople help them navigate the process.

Content & Outcomes

Your team will learn how to:

  • Map stakeholder risks and opportunities
  • Lead a discussion to identify and overcome roadblocks
  • Co-create a mutual close plan with their customer

Shorter sales cycle. Increased win rate.

Speak to the experts. Contact us today.

Let us share our ideas and show you how to drive lasting behavioural change with Flume Sales Training Courses
Sales Training Programmes

Sales Training Programmes

Download the Sales Training programmes brochure

Sales Team Training Courses built for Business Development Teams (BDRs / AEs) and Sales Teams, responsible for growing business through inbound and outbound activity.

To find out more about all the programmes we can offer, download our sales training programmes brochure.

Case Study – Health iQ


As a business we are seeing an increase in sales cycle length due to more involved and robust decision- making processes undertaken by our clients This includes a significant increase in the number of decision makers required to sign off a single deal. This leads not only to deals taking longer to close, but also deals getting lost during our client’s internal decision making process which we have little control over.”


We have seen real results very quickly and by using the ‘speeding up decision-making’ framework given by Flume we were able to close a £225,000 deal that I believe we may have otherwise lost.

Health IQ - Case Study - Flume Sales Training