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Case Study

Stats Perform

Scaling consistently brilliant sales approaches globally

Stats Perform
The results are exceptional. We made more progress in this programme than we have with the sales process over the last two years. There wasn’t a single person who wasn’t 100% engaged the whole time.”

Steve Xeller

Chief Revenue Officer
Steve Xeller - Sales Performance

Stats Perform

Sports technology company

1000+ employees

We made more progress in this programme than we have with the sales process over the last two years.

The programme packed enough power to drive real behavioural change on a global scale.

Flume Sales Training Challenge

Having over-achieved on close rates at Stats Perform, we needed consistent qualifications at the rep level to hit our growth numbers. As a business we have a global team at varying levels of experience and time with the company, combined with reduced internal training resources. Given these challenges, we felt there was a huge opportunity to hit higher targets and reduce pipeline lag. We wanted to help our sales leaders in supporting their teams, by improving our current sales processes and in turn impact overall pipeline health and forecasting accuracy.

Flume Sales Training Solution

Flume’s proposal demonstrated exactly what we wanted to achieve within our own organisation. They carefully examined our current process, pinpointing key areas of focus to maximise the impact of this programme. Providing sales reps with fresh data from extensive research to really hit home the necessity for behavioural change, before building a custom playbook with bespoke templates and new processes for the team to exercise their learnings.

Flume Sales Training Result

The response has been exceptional – we’ve made more progress in this programme than we have over the last two years. Sales leaders are empowered to support their teams with a common language and process globally, and we’ve re-energised our goal of making continual improvement. Our people are inspired to learn and be more successful in their role, and partnering with Flume has allowed us to help them do that.

Why Was Flume Different?

The training was very well received by everyone from sales rep to VP level, with the quality of the research and data provided exceeding expectations, and packing enough power to drive real behavioural change. Unlike other industry leading training providers, Flume developed and shared bespoke templates to embed within our business, and it really felt like a true partnership.

Speak to the experts. Contact us today.

Let us share our ideas and show you how to drive lasting behavioural change with Flume Sales Training Courses

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