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Account Management

AM Excellence Series 1


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Account Management: Excellence Series 1 Course

In the first of our AM courses, we share what great looks like and what top account management professionals do differently. You will develop a portfolio of skills and techniques to create an outstanding customer experience at every stage, enabling you to increase retention and growth.

Module 1: Account management – Series 1 Benchmark


Customers have high expectations from their chosen vendors- they want an effortless experience. However, many AMs approach relationships in the wrong way and actually make things harder for customers. The strongest AMs are doing things differently.

Content & Outcomes

In this module you will:

  • Shift to the customer’s perspective and learn what they need from the account management experience
  • Learn the biggest account management mistakes and their impact on customer loyalty
  • Explore research into what top AM’s are doing differently and how you measure up

A deep understanding of what customers expect and demand from account management professionals

Module 2: Driving customer engagement


The strongest AMs focus on making everything easy for the customer. They help the customer at every interaction by minimising unnecessary complications and preventing unwanted surprises.

Content & Outcomes

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to plan for best-in-class account management communications at every stage of the customer life cycle
  • Learn how to write high impact, effective emails
  • Create a simple and powerful mechanism for taking the lead in any customer conversation and driving it to the desired outcome

A standout customer service approach every time

Module 3: Questioning to retain and grow


A deep understanding of the customer is crucial to both retaining and growing accounts. However, research shows that most AMs fail to meet customers’ expectations of questioning and discovery.

Content & Outcomes

Your team will learn how to:

  • Understand the different areas your customer needs you to explore if you are to retain and grow the relationship
  • Learn an incredibly powerful and easy-to-use framework for questioning that increases loyalty and uncovers opportunities for upsell
  • Learn game-changing approaches to understanding your customers and their real needs

A fluid and powerful account management conversation that increases retention and unlocks opportunities for growth

Module 4: Pitching for retention and growth


Being able to demonstrate that your solution is the best way forward for your customer increases loyalty and reduces the likelihood that they’ll consider your competitors. It’s also vital in driving urgency and commitment to new opportunities. Unfortunately, most customers are sceptical and underwhelmed by pitches.

Content & Outcomes

Your team will learn how to:

  • Explore why your solution exists and how to message this to your customer in the most powerful way
  • Learn powerful and unique approaches for both positioning and pitching your solution
  • Come away with a ready-to-use toolkit for aligning your solution, driving retention, and upselling new opportunities

 Stronger commitment to your solution and greater buy-in to new opportunities

Module 5: Assertive objection handling


There are more reasons than ever for customers to object. However, many objections are caused or strengthened by what the AM does. Dealing with an objection in the right way – the way the customer needs you to – can be the difference between them renewing or not.

Content & Outcomes

Your team will:

  • Learn why customers raise objections and what they need from you if you are to prevent or overcome them
  • Develop a powerful structure to deal with any customer objection
  • Come away with ready-made objection handling toolkits tailored to your most common objections

Fewer objections and more consistency in overcoming them

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Our Training is 100% focused on driving measurable ROI. Our content is underpinned by current research, our delivery is high impact, and we focus on measurable results.

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Case Study – User Zoom

We interviewed our client Kunal Pandya to explore what challenges he faced and how we worked together to achieve some amazing, measurable results. This full case study goes into more detail on Sales Velocity and the solutions that were put into place that saw a 87% increase YOY.


“Already passionate about Sales Velocity & using data to drive strategy and investment, Kunal wanted to transform the sales enablement function into a strategic business driver. With aggressive growth plans, UserZoom’s first priority was to increase the number of sales opportunities within the business, but throwing more people at the problem was only part of the answer.”

User Zoom - Case Study