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Free sales training via webinars

sales training webinars and events

Flume Sales Training Webinars 2024

We are running a series of regular sales training webinars throughout the year, packed with tips, hacks, advice and inspiration to help drive your sales performance. Join us live or catch up on demand.

To talk through your upcoming training ideas and requirements, just get in touch. Maybe you would like Raoul to speak at or host your next event? Give us a call or drop us a line. We would love to hear from you.

Make sure you keep up-to-date with all our news and follow us on LinkedIn.

Flume Live - Free sales training via webinars

Flume Live : The Media and Events Sales Benchmark – Turn your core performers into high performers

In an industry where success is everything, it’s time to turn your core performers into high performers. In most companies, the top 20% of sales reps are responsible for bringing in 80% of revenue.

The key question is: What are these high performers doing differently from the rest?

Discover the answers and turbo-charge your sales performance across your whole team with our webinar:

  1. Benchmark against the best
  2. Maximise revenue potential
  3. Receive a tailored scorecard and comprehensive personalised PDF report

We will be sharing our new scorecard, and show you how this benchmark can truly empower you to thrive and grow. It will help you to drive consistently brilliant sales experiences for buyers and stronger sales performance across your teams.

Flume Live - Free sales training via webinars

Flume Live : Selling in a tough climate

53% of deals end in inaction – it’s tougher than ever for buyers to buy, and salespeople to sell. Make it easier for your buyer to buy, and see a significant difference to your revenue and win rates this year.

In this game-changing webinar, Raoul Monks, Founder and CEO of Flume Training will share:

  • What is stopping buyers from engaging and committing to deals right now
  • The five pillars to sales success in 2023
  • How you stack up against the highest performers in the industry and what you can do about it

You’ll take away immediately actionable insights, based on the latest data and insights, to supercharge your pipeline, win rates and 2023 results.

Flume Live - Free sales training via webinars

Flume Live : Crucial hacks to drive the only four sales KPIs that matter

You want to smash your targets by winning bigger deals more quickly. Knowing how to get there is the tough bit.

The highest performing teams are laser focused on four sales KPIs. And they know how to positively impact each one.

In this powerful webinar you will learn crucial hacks to:

  1. Increase the number of quality opportunities in your pipeline
  2. Drive up your average deal value
  3. Increase your win rate
  4. Reduce your sales cycle

You will leave with immediately actionable takeaways to power personal and team performance to drive more revenue.

Partners Webinars

Take a look at other sales webinars we have taken part in with our Partners

Institute of Sales Professionals

Why clients ‘ghost’ you and what to do about it – We love working with the ISP and fully support their commitment to growing and nurturing all sales professionals. This webinar from Raoul looks at why ghosting happens, common mistakes (how salespeople make ghosting more likely) and top tips on how to prevent it.

Mentor MomentsOur head of sales performance Paul Cruise, recently joined The Institute of Sales Professionals for their Mentor Moments series to talk about why customers are increasingly risk adverse. By understanding your buyer’s decision-making process, the stakeholders involved, and the best ways to collaborate will help you to achieve a successful sale.


Only 27% of salespeople hit targets in 2023. Understand your customers and align sales and marketing to improve results with this webinar. Paul Cruise, Head of Sales performance was among the top levels speakers on how you can multiply your impact and make more money. Watch here.


What is the purpose of an Ideal Rep Profile (IRP), why do you need one and what should and shouldn’t you look for? Raoul Monks and Anthony Parker, General Manager, EMEA from Mindtickle talk through the good and the bad and how you can develop your skills to create your own.multiply

CXSales – Engage Media 

B2B buyers have shifted how they buy. Old-school tactics like scripted sales pitches and cold calls just don’t cut it anymore. Arm yourself with the tactics and technology to stop chasing after buyers and start making it easy for them to buy from you.

Raoul Monks and Michael Sadler, Senior Solutions Engineer at Showpad share insights into:

  • Changes impacting the sales enablement landscape buyer-seller dynamic
  • What the ideal B2B buying process looks like in today’s hybrid/remote world
  • Why exceptional buying team experiences are becoming more important
  • How to upskill your sellers to deliver a high-impact, analytics-driven, and buyer-led journey

Raoul is a regular host for their podcasts series. You can view them all on their website.

CX Sales TV – Raoul hosts a number of panel discussions at this year’s Sales Engagement Summit

Panel discussion: How technology is transforming Sales Enablement and the buyer experience

Presentation: The future of sales development

View more Fireside chats with key Sales Enablement leaders from Getty, Adobe, Sage and more

Flume Sales Webinars

What clients need from salespeople
What clients need from sales people – the client perspective

In this sales training webinar we present brand new research from marketers and hear directly from them about what marketing solutions they are prioritising, from who and why.

Together we will explore the client’s dramatically changing role, including:

  • Their new decision-making process
  • The critical impacts this will have on the marketing solution providers they choose
  • The salespeople they will prioritise

All attendees will receive a guide to support their actions after the webinar.

How to drive ROI for your client - the audience perspective
How to drive ROI for your client – the audience perspective

In this webinar we present brand new research from the audience perspective and speak with industry experts about how to ensure clients get ROI from marketing solutions you provide them.

Together we will deep-dive into how to drive client ROI, including:

  • The biggest factors that impact ROI
  • How to harness intelligence around audience behaviour
  • How to guide your clients to get the most from your marketing solutions
Defining a new sales experience - the sales perspective
Defining a new sales experience – the sales perspective

In this webinar we present brand new research about what is working in sales, before discussing the future with leading sales professionals.

Together we will explore the re-definition of sales excellence in a changed world, including:

  • The urgent implications of these changes to the sales experience clients will now demand
  • How to differentiate your sales approach
  • How to take control of client conversations
Selling in a crisis

The media and events market is being hit hard with the coronavirus pandemic. Marketing budgets are being cut and events are being postponed – it is infinitely harder for your client to say ‘yes’. As a result, it is significantly tougher for sales teams, who now also have the added difficulty of working remotely and independently.
These are unprecedented times and the importance of a strong sales experience for your client is magnified.

In this webinar, we will explore:

  • What’s changed for your buyer in this turbulent time
  • The biggest mistakes salespeople could make and the lasting impacts if they do
  • The core rules and new techniques to use to come out strongly in these challenging times

Outcome: An approach to selling in this challenging environment

Leading remote sales teams

The coronavirus pandemic is forcing sales teams to work remotely, but this isn’t the only challenge. Buyers’ lives are significantly impacted too, so the way your sales team sells needs to be very different. In turn, the management and motivation of your sales teams is crucial and avoiding critical mistakes is imperative to ensure you come out the other side of this crisis as strongly as you possibly can.

In this webinar, we will explore:

• The challenges created for sales teams and sales leaders when working remotely
• The biggest mistakes sales leaders can make in these unprecedented times
• The rules and approaches to drive and engage your team

Outcome: A strong approach to leading sales teams in this challenging environment

How to transition from event to digital revenue

Event sales teams are being hit harder than most by the coronavirus pandemic. Physical events are being cancelled or postponed and marketing budgets slashed. A shift to digital and virtual solutions has become an obvious way forward for many businesses, however, many sales teams are not equipped to sell these solutions.

In this webinar we will explore:

• The differences in selling physical events and digital solutions
• The biggest mistakes you could make when shifting your sales approach
• The rules and approaches to maximise digital sales

Outcome: A method and approach for selling digital solutions

Driving client urgency

The media & events market continues to be hit hard by the Covid-19 crisis. Marketing budgets are being cut and remaining spend is being heavily scrutinised. It’s harder than ever for your client to say ‘yes’ to your solutions.

A compelling argument for prioritising marketing spend is therefore crucial if you and your clients are to come through these uncertain times in the strongest position possible.

In this webinar, we will explore:

  • What’s changed for your buyer and audience in this turbulent time
  • What works and doesn’t work in marketing right now
  • How to create a business case for your client to prioritise marketing now

Outcome: A business case to convince your client what to market and how to market their way through the crisis.

The Secret to Selling Virtual Events

There has been a significant rise in virtual events and webinars since lockdown began and this only looks like growing. Even when live events come back in some form or another, virtual and hybrid events are still likely to play a major part.

For most salespeople this has not been part of their traditional sell but it needs to be and quickly.

This webinar reveals:

  • How to position virtual events in the strongest way possible
  • The skills and approaches required to gain maximum buy-in from your clients
  • How to overcome the main client objections around virtual events

Outcome: A proposition and approach for selling virtual solutions