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Case Study

Leyton UK

How Leyton Achieved £1.5 million of
additional pipeline revenue with Flume

Leyton logo empower your future - Flume Sales Training
Flume goes further than traditional sales training… Our managers feel empowered, our team is collectively achieving the results we desire, and we’ve set a new standard of success.”

James Swift

Head of Talent Development, Leyton UK and US
James Swift

Leyton UK Stats

International consulting firm

300+ employees

The sales process doesn’t end when
customer says yes. It’s just the beginning.
We now give them an experience that
ensures they want to do business with us.

A 4% increase in conversion rates
translates to a projected £1.5 million
of additional pipeline revenue

Flume Sales Training Challenge

In 2024 we spotted a worrying trend. Sales conversion rates were declining at an average of 2% per year. This was attributable to underperformance amongst our sales team despite our pretty decent in-house training programme. It was clear something had changed in the market. It’s harder and more decision-makers are involved in every purchase decision. We needed a revamp because we were not prepared to continue watching this decline. We need to upskill and equip our team with the skills to increase conversion rates in a way that is responsive to the needs of today’s B2B buyer.

Flume Sales Training Solution

Flume undertook a full diagnostic assessment to identify the causes of our underperformance and the skills gaps directly impacting our win rate. From there they devised a tailored modular programme of skills training, coaching and reinforcement designed to close the loop between training and implementation and drive sustainable behaviour change. Flume’s holistic methodology goes further than standard training, it also focuses on what happens after training in terms of lasting behaviour change for both sales leaders and sales reps.

Flume Sales Training Result

The results have been astonishing. We’ve witnessed a 4% increase in conversion rates which translates to a projected £1.5 million of additional pipeline revenue over the next twelve months. But the impact has not just been financial. It’s boosted team morale. Our managers feel empowered, our team is collectively achieving the results we desire. We’ve set a new standard of success. We work on the principle that the sales process doesn’t end when customer says yes. Instead, it’s just the beginning. We give them an experience that ensures they want to do business now and for the long-term.

Why Was Flume Different?

Flume is not just a training provider. It’s impact is much bigger than that – it’s transformative. Flume is the only sales training company I’ve come across that has the knowledge, infrastructure, talent, and methodology to drive not just sales improvement now, but sustained high performance sales behaviours for the long-term.

Speak to the experts. Contact us today.

Let us share our ideas and show you how to drive lasting behavioural change with Flume Sales Training Courses

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